High suction pressure on low temperature compressor causes excessive amp draw High discharge pressure
If system does not have EPR valve, throttle suction service valve until system pulls down Check for loss of condenser water, blocked condenser fan or coil, defective fan motor. Replace with correct overload relay
Incorrect overload relay or must trip amp setting too low - Replace defective relay or circuit breaker
Defective overload relay or circuit breaker - Reduce suction temperature by expansion
High suction temperature - valve adjustment or provide de super heating
High suction temperature - valve adjustment or provide de super heating
Loose power or control circuit wiring connection - Check all power and control circuit connection
Defective motor - Check for motor ground or short. Replace compressor if found.
Faulty motor protection device - Check the thermal sensor in the cylinder head. Replace head sensor if necessary.
High compression ratio(suction too low/condensing too high)return gas temperature above application limits. - Repair compressor
Broken valve on high stage or blown high stage gasket. - Repair compressor
Insufficient desuperheating - Adjust desuperheating valve