Cold room type.- Specify the type of cold room among the preselected ones. Application.- Specify among positive, negative or high temperature applications. Cold room volume.- Internal volume, in cubic meters, for a rectangular cold room. Internal dimmensions.- Cold room internal dimmensions, in meters. Isolation thickness.- Cold room insulation pannels thickness, in milimeters. For no insulated closures there should be specified a 0 mm thickness and it will be taken into consideration a heat transfer as if there will be a non-insulated wall. Localization.- Specify the location to get the design temperature based on a 1% percentil according to UNE 100001. Such temperature threshold will only be reached during 1% of hours in summer. By default 35 ºC temperature is set. |
Stored goods.- It is possible to choose among generic products or customize the product settings. Goods load.- Specify the goods load density, in kg of goods per volume unit. This is an important parameter for the rotation rate and transpiration heat values. Goods daily rotation.- Specify the goods entry temperature and goods turnover, as a percentage of total load or as a load weight in kg, as well as the desired cooling time. Packaging type.- Choose the packaging used and specify the weigth of the packaging per unit of cold room internal volume. |
Ambient conditions.- Ambient conditions shown as default are those according to the UNE 1000001 standard for the localization selected and a 1% percentil value. This is the temperature value only reached at 1% of summer time. Closures.- Specify the closures features: type of closures, thickness in milimeters and pannels surface. Closure surface must be considered from the centre of the pannel. By default, the calculation will be done automatically for a rectangular-shape cold room with the dimensions and pannel thickness specified. Air renewal.- By default, it is suggested an experimental air renewal rate, estimated according to cold room volume. In case of modular cabinets, which have a higher door opening rate, a 2 factor will be applied. Nevertheless, by specifing the daily door openings and door opening time you will get a more accurate result. A daily air renewal rate will be calculated according to Tam equation. |
Thermical loads.- Specify the thermical loads inside the cold room for the following items: People.- Specify how many people will work inside the cold room. Misspent power by person will be automatically calculed depending on cold room temperature. In case the cold room is only dedicated to conservation applications there will not be any thermical load due to people. Lighting.- Specify all-time-operating lighting power inside the cold room. In case the cold room is only dedicated to conservation applications there will not be any lighting thermical load. Door heater cable.- Specify the power (heating capacity) of the door heater cable. Often this load is negligible. Other.- Set a value if there are other thermical loads such as engines or machinery operating inside the cold room. Defrosting.- If this value is known, specify the termical load due to defrosting cycles adjusted for the time fraction for defrosting cycles per day. In the other case, specify a percentage of total cooling capacity, usually arround 5%. Evaporator fans.- If this value is know, specify the evaporator fans power, or set a pertecentage over the total power, usually between 10% and 15%. |
Daily refrigeration needs.- It shows the results of daily refrigeration needs calculation, in kJ/day, broken down in issues. Click on each result to get a more detailed information of each issue or to modify the parameters. Cooling capacity needed.- Get the cooling capacity needed value by setting a security margin and an operation time per day values. Security margin.- the security margin compensates any calculation mistake due to minor mistakes in cols rooms dimmensions or storaged goods features. A reasonable value for this parameter is about 10%. Operating time per day.- It shows the number of hours the compressor is operating, excluding the desfrosting cycles time. A 20 hours value is recommended for refrigeration units featuring automatic defrosting, which is equivalent to a 30 minutes maximum defrosting cycle each 3 hours.
Product range.- Specify the product range: Commercial range.- Wall-mounted and roof-top commercial compact units, and split commercial units featuring slim-type or double-flow evaporating unit. Industrial range.- Industrial compact units, low-noise split units featuring cubic-type evaporating unit and split industrial units. Unit construction.- Specify the product series among the ones for the selected range. The first product series which adaptes to your needs is automatically suggested. Version.- Once the range and the serie is selected, specify the version among the ones available. As default the standard version is selected, but take into account that other version models from the same series could provide higher cooling capacity. Model.- The most suitable model for your need will be automatically suggested, as well as the inmediatly lower and upper models. This selection minds cold room and ambient temperatures for the real cooling capacity, showing the oversizing margin in percentage to the real cooliing needs.